Awards in 2018

SNI Award 2018
PT Gajah Tunggal received the SNI award 2018 from Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN). The jury consists of 19 people coming from various sectors such as industry, government, social economics and finance.
The award was given as appreciation for companies with a high commitment in applying the SNI-standards consistently and sustainably, which perform well and are able to internalize the social economic and environmental aspects in its organization. The jury for the SNI Awards asses aspects that can drive the progress of the Organization in realizing better performance, including management and leadership, focus on the customer, development of resources, management/product realization and business results.
This is the highest award from the Government to the organisations having a good operational management system and that have implemented the Indonesian National Standards (SNI) consistently.

Zero Accident Awards
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received Zero Accident Award 2018
The award was given by The Minister of Manpower and Transmigration to PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk for achievements in carrying out the program of safety and occupational health (K3)
The Company had zero accidents during 1,827,997 man hours in the period of 12 October 2017 till 31 October 2017.

Corporate Secretary Awards 2018
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk accept Corporate Secretary Awards 2018 from Warta Ekonomi Magazine
On October 26, 2018, Warta Ekonomi Magazine presented the Corporate Secretary Awards 2018 to PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk in the category Top 5 GCG Issues in the Automotive & Component Sector category.
This Award was given to Gajah Tunggal because the Company has performed well in carrying out the role of Corporate Secretary and serves as a benchmark for other companies to improve the Corporate Secretary role in the future.
In its research, Warta Ekonomi used media monitoring tools such as media content analysis, namely analyzing the results of online media news coverage with positive, negative, and neutral sentiment. The news search is performed by using five GCG keywords i.e. transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness.
The research was conducted from January to June 2018 on companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In this study as much as 25,103 keywords were found in 60,231 news articles.

Best Quality and Delivery Award 2018
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received Best Quality and Delivery Award 2018 from Mercedes Benz
On 18 October 2018, PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the Best Quality and Delivery award during the 2nd Supplier Day event held by PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia at The Sultan Hotel, Golden Ballroom 1.
Mr. Simon Hui, Sales & Marketing Director of PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the award from Mr Markus Willinger, President Director & CEO of Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia (DCVI) and and Mr. Frithjof Noeth, Head of Procurement of Daimler Trucks and Buses Asia.
The commitment in excellent quality and delivery accuracy of tires are the main assessments to receive such award.
PT Gajah Tunggal started supplying Daimler AXOR trucks early this year and is the only local tire manufacturer to receive this award.

Gajah Tunggal received 3 TOP CSR awards on 4 October 2018:
- CSR TOP 2018 in the Industrial Sector Tires
- TOP CSR 2018 Education Program
- TOP LEADER on CSR Commitment 2018
TOP CSR is an undertaking to rate and award companies based in Indonesia, which are judged on their CSR programs or Community Development Activities. The CSR Assessment is based on 3 items: 1) ISO 26000, 2) business strategy that uses a CSV approach (Creating Shared Value), 3) GCG Practices. TOP CSR is conducted by TOP Business (formerly BusinessNews Indonesia magazine).

The Safety and Occupational Health Awards 2018
On August 9, 2018, the Ministry of Manpower organizes The Safety and Occupational Health Awards 2018.
For eight consecutive years, PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk received an award from the Ministry of Manpower for the Companys achievement in conducting the HIV & AIDS Prevention program at the workplace. The Company is being acknowledged for implementing best practice of an HIV/AIDS Prevention Program. PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the award in the years 2011 till 2018.

CECT Awards
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the CECT Sustainability Award 2018 for Overall CSR Performance in the category Miscellaneous Industry. The award was presented during a ceremony that was held at the Pullman Hotel Central Park in Jakarta on the evening of 6 December 2018.
The CECT Sustainability Awards are an initiative from CECT – Trisakti University and encourage companies to achieve sustainability through holistic CSR based on ISO 26000, the global standard and guideline for social responsibility. The selection and judging process for these awards are based on publicly available data such as annual and sustainability reports and are evaluated by a panel of credible judges. During the evaluation process, environmental, economic and social aspects are being analysed in terms of sustainability, along with their contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Prior to the awards ceremony CECT – Trisakti University held a seminar on the subject of Building an Inclusive and Sustainable Business for Prosperity and Peace. PT Gajah Tunggals Director, Mrs. Catharina Widjaja, participated in the seminar as a speaker.

Top 100 Indonesia Most Valuable Brands Awards
Gajah Tunggal achieved to be the only tire manufacturer to be included in Indonesias Top 100 Most Valuable Brands. The Award is an appreciation for 100 high value brands in Indonesia from SWA Magazine in collaboration with Brand Finance, the worlds leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy. Gajah Tunggal is ranked 38th with a Brand Rating of AA and a Brand Value of USD 171 million.

Japan Champion in Indonesia Award 2018
MarkPlus in collaboration with Philip Kotler Center for ASEAN Marketing has chosen IRC as the winners of Japan Champion in Indonesia in 2 categories motorbike tire and motorbike tube at the ASEAN Marketing SUMMIT 2018. This award refers to 2 parameters, brand advocacy ratio and purchase action ratio.

WOW Brand Awards 2018
IRC received the Indonesia WOW Brand 2018 Award in two categories Gold Champion for Motorcycle Tire and Silver Champion for Motorcycle Tube. Indonesia WOW Brand awards are granted to brands that achieve the highest BAR (Brand Advocacy Ratio) based on MarkPlus Insight research in 18 cities in Indonesia involving more than 20,000 respondents.

Indonesia Original Brand Award 2018
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk receives the Indonesia Original Brand Award 2018 from SWA Magazine On August 15, 2018. SWA Magazine presented The 1st Champion of Indonesia Original Brand Awards 2018 to GT Radial in the Product category : Car Tires.
GT Radial won the award for the category of car tires based on the results of research that refers to 4 parameters being satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy and foreign local competition using the method of multistage random sampling by involving respondents in various parts of Indonesia.

TOP BRAND Award 2018
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk receives TOP Brand Awards 2018 from Marketing Magazine On July 27, 2018, Marketing Magazine presented the TOP Brand Awards 2018 to PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk for the IRC Brand in the product Category Motorcycle Tires.
IRC successfully seized the Top Brand Award 2018 proving that the motorcycle tire products, which have been around for more than 40 years, fulfil three index parameters being Top of Mind Awareness, Last Used and Future Intention. The index parameter assessment involved 12,000 respondents in 15 cities being Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Medan, Makassar, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Denpasar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Manado. The data was compiled using interviews