Awards in 2016 and Beyond

HIV Award – 2016
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received an award on HIV & AIDS Prevention and Handling Programs from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. This is the sixth time the Company received this award. By receiving this award, the Company is being recognized for its achievements in conducting HIV & AIDS Programs at the workplace. This year, the Company received the award in the Gold category.

Primaniyarta Award – 2016
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the Primaniyarta Award, a prestigious award given by the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, for being one of the best Indonesian companies in the Global Brand Creator category in 2008, 2012, 2015, 2016 and in the High Performance Exporter category in 2011 and 2013. The Primaniyarta Award is an award from the Indonesian Government given to exporters who deliver outstanding performances in increasing non-oil exports at the national and province level.

Indonesia Most Creative Companies Award 2015
On 19 March 2015, PT. Gajah Tunggal, Tbk. received “Indonesia Most Creative Companies Award” from SWA Magazine, together with 24 other companies. There are 3 criteria that are considered when the nominated companies are being assessed, which are:
- The company’s ability to create innovations
- The ability of the innovations to improve the company’s performance and signific:antly affect the market
- The level of originality and differentiation of the innovations or creativities
Through an assessment process, SWA then selected 25 Indonesian companies which have outstanding creativities and innovations in terms of products, services and business strategies. PT. Gajah Tunggal, Tbk. was ranked 9th out of 25 companies for developing the Champiro Eco, the first Indonesian Eco-friendly tire. What reflected positively as well in the assessment process was that the Champiro Eco became the official tire for the Mercedes Benz C-Class Touring Championship 2010/2011 and received the *Auto Bild’ Amazing Record 20CI Laps award. Being recognized as one of Indonesia’s 25 most creative companies, affirms the Company’s innovative
capabilities to develop products that can sustain the Company’s growth and profitability.

Center for Enterpreneurship, Change and Third Sector (CECT) CSR Award 2015
Pada tanggal 17 Maret 2015, PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk. menerima Penghargaan Special Achievement dalam kategori “Environmental Aspect of Sustainability— Sustainable Product” dari CECT Trisakti
University dalam acara penganugrahan CECT CSR Awards.
CECT CSR Awards memberikan pengakuan terhadap perusahaan-perusahan di Indonesia untuk kinerja mereka dalam menjalankan CSR yang holistik berdasarkan ISO 26030, yang merupakan panduan standar internasional atas Tanggung Jawab Sosial. Empat aspek yang dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan kinerja CSR holistik sebuah perusahaan adalah Aspek Tata Kelola CSR, Lingkungan, Ekonomi, dan Sosial.
Proses penilaian penghargaan berdasarkan informasi publik seperti Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Berkelanjutan Perusahaan. Penghargaan ini mencerminkan komitmen dan kemampuan
Perusahaan berkontribusi dalam menciptakan masa depan yang berkelarpjutan melalui pengembangan produk-produk Perusahaan yang berkelanjutan.

Indonesia Green Company Award (Majalah SWA) 2013, 2014
GT receives the Indonesia Green Company Award from SWA Magazine and the Indonesian Biodiversity foundation on 2014. GT was considered to have sustainable programs, optimized research and development as well as finding new innovations in producing tires that are environmentally friendly such as the Champiro Eco.

SRI-KEHATI Award (Yayasan KEHATI /Keanekaragaman Hayati) – 2013, 2014
For the second time GT receives the SRI-KEHATI Award from the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation. The Company is also included in the SRI KEHATI Index (collaboration between Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation and the Indonesian Stock Exchange). The SRI-KEHATI INDEX consists of companies with good financial performance and solid fundamentals as well as having a concern for the environment, good corporate governance, involvement with society, human resources, human rights and conduct business incorporating intonationally accepted business ethics.

The Asset Asian Award- Best Liability Management (Majalah The Asset, Hong Kong) – 2013
The “Best Liability Management” Award was granted by The Asset magazine, Hong Kong, for issuing bonds worth USD 500 million with maturity in 2018 & the successful tender offer/consent solicitation.

Indonesia Bond of the Year (Majalah IFRAsia, Hong Kong) – 2013
IFRAsia magazine presented GT with the Best Indonesia Bond” Award for the issuance of the USD 500 million bond, with a coupon of 7.75% maturing in 2018.

5th llCD-Corporate Governance Conference & Award as BEST IMPROVED (IICD /lndonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship) – 2013
GT received an award from the IICD (The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship) for Best Improved Corporate Governance in 2013, for being committed to provide complete and transparent information to their shareholders in addition to good achievements in the tire industry:

Primaniyarta (The Ministry of Trade of Republic Indonesia) 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013
The Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia granted GT this award for four times in total of which three times in the “High-Performance Exporter” category (2008, 2011 and 2013) and once in the “Global Brand Developer” category (2012).

Indonesia’s TOP 50 Company Excellent Achievement Award (Koran Sindo) 2013
An award was received from Koran Sindo as GT was recognized as one of 50 influential public companies (Excellent Achievement Award) due to continuous innovation. GT is also considered to have a great influence on the development and growth of the Indonesian economy.

Top Best 50 Company-Best of the Best (Majalah Forbes Indonesia) – 2013
As one of 50 listed companies GT won the “Top 50 Best of the Best” award from Forbes Indonesia magazine. GT was selected based on the combined scores of various metrics such as return on equity over the past five years, sales growth over the last three years and growth in earnings per share (EPS) over the last three years. The assessment also takes into account stock price performance and exchange rates.

GT-Radial-Best Indonesia Brand for Car Tires (Majalah SWA) – 2013
GT received an award from SWA Magazine and MARS Consulting which measures the brand equity/brand value in the IBBA (Indonesian Best Brand Award) survey conducted in seven major cities in Indonesia. The survey covers awareness (top of mind and top of mind brand advertising), perceived quality, usage, satisfaction and loyalty. Total number of respondents was 2,638 persons and 2,626 households.

Program HIV/AIDS di Tempat Kerja (Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi) 2011, 2012, 2014
The Indonesian Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration presented GT an award in the “Gold” category for three consecutive years (2011-2014), for the Company’s HIV & AIDS Prevention and Handling program in the workplace.

Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (motorcycle tire) (Majalah Bloomberg Businessweek) 2011, 2013, 2014
Award from the Frontier Consulting Group and Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine for Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (motorcycle tire category) during the years 2011, 2013, 2014. The
selection and rating process is conducted through a survey of 2,350 respondents divided into four groups namely management/business owners, shareholders/investors, journalists apart from entertainment journalists and the general public.

Asia’s Best Managed Company (Majalah Finance Asia)-Hong Kong – 2011, 2012
Asia’s Best Managed Company Award in the category “Best Mid-Cap” (Rank 1). Rating is based on a poll of 265 investors and analysts worldwide in 10 key industries.

SWA 100: Indonesia Best Public Companies (Majalah SWA) 2012
SWA magazine rated GT as being one of the 100 best public companies. The rating process is based on the Wealth Added Index (WAI) that was calculated daily over 5 years. All data associated with the financial markets was obtained from Bloomberg whereas the calculation of the Cost of Equity (COE) used the Stern Stewart & Co Methodology.

Top 10 Best Big Companies (Majalah Forbes Indonesia) 2011
GT was one of 10 public companies who were awarded the “Best of the Best” Award from Forbes Indonesia Magazine. The award was based on the combined scores of various metrics such as return on equity (ROE) over the last five years, business growth over the last three years, earnings per share over the last three years and stock price performance and foreign exchange rates.

Produsen Ban Salju Pertama di Indonesia (Museum Rekor Indonesia) – 2010
An award from The Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) was received in 2010 for being the first Snow Tire Producer in Indonesia.

Produsen Ban Non Aromatic Oil dan Teknologi Nano Silica pertama di Indonesia (Museum Rekor Indonesia) – 2010
GT received another award from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) in 2010, as being the first Indonesian tire manufacturer using Non Aromatic Oil and Nano Silica Technology to
produce environmentally friendly tires, namely the ‘TGT Radial Champiro ECO”.

Rekor Bisnis Indonesia sebagai Produsen Ban Nasional Pertama yang Memproduksi Ban Ramah Lingkungan/ECO Friendly Tire Dengan Merek GT Radial Champiro ECO” (TERA dan Koran Sindo) 2011
GT received an award from the Tera Foundation and Koran Sindo as being the First Environmentally Friendly/ECO Friendly Tire Producer with the “GT Radial Champiro ECO”