
Perubahan Ketua Komite Audit
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16 July 2024

Perubahan Ketua Komite Audit

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24 June 2024

BOD BOC Candidates 2024

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4 June 2024

Invitation & PoA to Attend AGM 2024

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20 May 2024

Announcement to Shareholder

24 May 2023

Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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9 May 2023

Announcement to the Shareholders

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21 June 2022

Announcement to The Shareholders

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13 July 2021

Announcement AGMS – 19 August 2021

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19 August 2020

Announcement of the Summary of the Minutes of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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22 July 2020

Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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6 July 2020

Announcement to the Shareholders

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29 May 2019

Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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13 May 2019

Announcement to the Shareholders

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28 June 2018

Announcement of the Summary of the Minutes of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders per June 29th, 2018

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7 June 2018

Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Shareholders