Support and Benefits

The Company always made efforts to provide the best benefits and facilities within its capability to all employees. To comply with government regulations, the Company have registered all employees in BPJS program for national social security, healthcare security and retirement fund. This program provided bigger benefits for all employees in terms of healthcare and retirement.
In addition to BPJS, the Company also provided private health insurance for some employees, annual medical check up for all employees and 25 years work service reward – in the form of gold pin and certificate – to deserving employees. In 2022, the Company provided such awards to 216 employees.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Company made several efforts to improve health (promotive), disease prevention (preventive), disease healing (curative) and health recovery (rehabilitative) such as 3M and 6M Campaigns, Provision of Halfway Houses, Vaccination of Employees and families of
employees, Swab Antigen and PCR, provision of vitamins and Masks, Hospital Referrals in collaboration with the Company To raise a healthy lifestyle, develop spirit of sportiveness and promote good working relations, the Company provided sport facilities to all employees such as football, basketball,
badminton and futsal.
These sport facilities have been used not only for routine exercise and internal sport competition such as Independence Day tournament, but also external competition between companies and government organizations.
All facilities and benefits provided by the Company are aimed to create a working environment comfortable for employees and attractive for new candidates that eventually will create strong bonding between employees and Company.