Who We Are
Information on Capital Market Professional and Supporting Institutions

Rating Agencies
Standard & Poor’s
Marina Bay Financial Center Tower 3 Floor 23
12 Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018982
50 Raffles Place #23-06, Singapore Land Tower,
Singapore 048623
Share Registrar
PT Datindo Entrycom
Gedung Graha Ganesha
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28, Jakarta 10120, Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 350 8077
Fax. (62-21) 350 8078
Email: corporatesecretary@datindo.com
Web: www.datindo.cam
Public Accounting Firm
Imelda & Rekan
The Plaza Office Tower. Lantai 32
Jl. MH Thamrin Kav 28-30, Jakarta 10350
Bonds due 2026
DB Trustees (Hong Kong) Limited
Level 60, International Commerce Centre
1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong