
Donate 2000 Tons of Liquid Oxygen to Government
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, join together with Gajah Tunggal Group and Yayasan Usaha Indonesia Damai (UID), has provided 2000 tons of donation to the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Health needed of medical oxygen for the treatment of COVID-19 patients and to overcome the scarcity of medical oxygen, which oxygen is an essential need in the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitals.
Our hope is that oxygen donation can be useful for the improvement of health services.
Donate Convalescent Blood Plasma

PT Gajah Tunggal donates blood Convalescent blood Plasma to PMI The Red Cross Tangerang City. Covid-19 patients who have recovered can donate for Covid-19 patients. More than 100 Gajah Tunggals employees donated blood Convalescent blood Plasma. This activity is in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross with Gajah Tunggal in accordance with government programs to support countermeasures against the Covid-19 pandemic.
Vaccination Program

PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk supports the Indonesian Minister of Healths regulation (Permenkes) No. 10 of 2021 regarding Vaksinasi Gotong Royong (VGR) also known as Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. VGR is a free Vaccination program, fully funded by the Company for its employees, families, and the public. To date, PT Gajah Tunggal Tbks has successfully vaccinated over 95,500 individuals in the region of Tangerang & Karawang. Of the 95,500 Vaccinated, 23,586 of them are children in the age of 6-11 years.
Donated Ambulance to Red Cross Indonesia

The Company supports the government in terms of the availability of ambulance facilities that are urgently needed by the community, especially during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Gajah Tunggal donated 2 ambulance units which were handed over directly by the Company’s Management to the Indonesian Red Cross , it is expected to be utilized by people in need, especially in emergencies.
Education Assistance Program
Since 1990, the Company has distributed education assistance to communities around the factory who are underprivileged, in the form of direct cash assistance, to more than 1500 students at the elementary, junior high and high school levels continuously and in stages, so that these children can continue to have the opportunity and enjoy the basic education that is so much needed for them. Since this program was implemented, the Company has spent more than 1.5 billion rupiah for the purposes of the program.
Donating foods to Flood Victims

The Company cares about the Tangerang community affected by the flood disaster, by making donations in the form of food and mineral water, and in certain places cleaning tools to be able to clean the house after the flood. The Company provides dispensation to not enter work for employees affected by floods.
Donations of Face Masks to BNPB (Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management)

On May 8th, 2020, Yayasan Upaya Indonesia Damai or United in Diversity (UID) supported by the Gajah Tunggal Group donated 2 million face masks to the Chairman of the Indonesian Task Force for Covid-19 containment, Mr. Doni Monardo, at the BNPB office. The donation was handed over by Mrs. Tuti Hadiputranto, President of UID and Mr. Sugeng Rahardjo, President-Director of PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, representing Gajah Tunggal Group.
The 2 million face masks are part of a total of 6 million masks of which most will be donated to other government agencies in Indonesia.